I did it! One stone down in six weeks!

From chronic fatigue to kicking ass, one stone down in six weeks

One stone down in six weeks! I cannot believe it! With a lot of hard work, finally the weight is moving and results are showing

. one stone down in six weeks

Firstly, please excuse the unflattering photos and big tired head. When taking these progress photos I never intended on sharing them. However, today marks the six weeks since I really dedicated myself to a healthier, happier me. When I compared the progress photos I decided what the hey, I’ll share. So now we’re over the embarrassment, let’s begin.

Putting the focus on myself

Weight has always been something I’ve battled with. If you cared to scroll through the history of this blog you will see lots of half assed and failed attempts at weight loss. Over the years I’ve lost a few stone and put it back on, never caring enough to really maintain it. Well, of course I cared but I let things get in the way. Toxic relationships stole my confidence, college and work stole my time, running my own business stole my focus; everything except my health came first.

I’ve been very vocal about my health struggles with chronic illness, thyroid problems, fibromyalgia and haemochromatosis. Chronic fatigue stole my soul for a long time and for a long time I had to accept that was it, I was just too tired and in too much pain to do anything.

2018, the year I flipped it on the head. It’s been a small, steady and slow build and there was a lot of little changes before I could think about weight-loss. However, I made a vow to make this year about me and eight months in, here I am.

Firstly, I closed my business and got a full-time job. Making this huge shift was so important as it gave me the stability of routine to work on getting my energy back. It was gradual, starting work at 8am, finishing at 4pm and going to bed for awhile before going for a walk or to the gym. I signed up to a number of gym plans, trying to get into the swing of things and I even added a few classes. It was a stop-start situation but at least I was being more active than I had been in a few years.

This on again off again routine continued until around April. It was then I made the best decision of my life to go to a naturopath who diagnosed me as yeast and wheat intolerant. Setting me straight with nutrition, she also got me started on a course of herbal medicine which I still take religiously.

The months flew by as I dropped a pound, gained a pound but the routine of my job and the magic herbal remedies were building my strength. Weight-loss wasn’t a priority for me yet, claiming my life back from chronic illness was the focus.

Quitting alcohol for good has proved to be a huge part of the journey but the motivation for weight-loss came soon after. A friend of mine asked me to go to Thailand with her, something I didn’t need to think twice about. The same friend is fabulous and the thoughts of being in a bikini beside this model was enough to spur anyone into action. So I started my fitness again and began working out with the best trainer; Orlagh McGrane. With my daily magic herbs, my nutrition down and now the best fitness plan I could be on, I was unstoppable.

Losing one stone in six weeks

Training with Orlagh was the final piece of the jigsaw. At this point I was a sober vegetarian high on herbs and ready to kick ass. I attended classes five days per week and with each passing week the scales dropped. I had a little over three weeks with Orlagh before hitting Thailand and we had work to do. I didn’t touch a drink, really watched my food intake and worked fucking hard – simple. I really love going to the classes so it wasn’t a chore to drag myself in daily; I looked forward to it. My life wasn’t completely devoid of joy; during the three weeks I went to a concert and a music festival every weekend. I had ice-cream, sweets, popcorn and enjoyed myself while also using MyFitnessPal to track my calories and get the right foods in.

By the time Thailand came around I had lost ten pounds with Orlagh’s classes and felt fitter and stronger than ever. I’m looking forward to going back to them so much. When I was on holiday I managed to drop another three pound due to walking up to 22km every day. I had little appetite in the heat but it also helped that Thai food is super tasty and healthy so you can’t go wrong.

I’m a few days back and have already found myself eating chocolate and not exercising! It’s easy to fall out of routine. However, I have another stone to go and most importantly to keep off! There’s no magic diet or over night plan, it’s exactly what we all avoid doing; eating healthy and working hard. A good balance of diet and fitness is important and I can guarantee you going to a proper trainer is better than any fad diet group. In another six weeks I’ll be another pound down and I cannot wait to share the progress.

The post I did it! One stone down in six weeks! appeared first on Rach Writes Stuff.

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