Ceol Review: Molly Sterling – Chrysalis

Molly Sterling releases her debut EP Chrysalis

Molly Sterling Chrysalis EP

Molly Sterling has just released her debut EP Chrysalis. For a lady who has yet to reach her 18th birthday, it’s a testament to her talent and a wonderful insight into what is sure to be a bright career ahead.

From the opening chords, the EP it’s simply breathtaking; Molly’s voice would silence a crowded room. She simply has the wow factor, and is unlike any artist I have heard in a long time.

Think of those rare, subtle and tender moments when Lady Gaga sits in front of a piano, gimmicks aside and just allows her talent to shine; Molly is reminiscent of this and very much the Irish equivalent.

With maturity far beyond her years, Molly has an innate ability for capturing life circumstances and transforming them into an animated story through powerful songs.

With ‘Hands Off’, she touches on toxic relationships and the deadly impact they impose; how lies and fake apologies can truly damage a person. Her lyrics paint a vivid picture of abuse and the negative impact it has; for those legitimately in love with their abuser find it hard to break the cycle, as the abuser has the power and knows every button to push; sucking them dry. However when they do break free, it’s a rude awakening.

Horrors of the Silent Masquerade is simply stunning. It delves into the harsh depths of depression and the constant concern that goes with it. From the little devil on your shoulder, to the nightmares that you try to lose in the daytime; it perfectly illustrates the never ending anguish. This song is so delicate, like the most beautiful flower you’ve ever seen just ready to wilt at the slightest touch. It’s so easy to fall apart, the trick is how not to and how to hold the daily masquerade.

Sleep with the Wolves is a dark, sombre affair really highlighting Molly’s exquisite song-writing ability; weaving lyrics with emotive storytelling and an unrivalled depth and profound perception. The strength of her song-writing shines through here, setting her apart from so many of her peers; this girl has the potential to go really far.

Whisky is a sad love song, offering an insight into broken love and the longing heart of someone who ended a relationship but left part of themselves behind. It echoes that bitter-sweet feeling of getting away from a poisonous person, but still harnessing affection and an assertion they’ll never find anyone as good as you.

Molly Sterling offers intuition which is indicative of a wisdom far beyond that of a normal 17-year-old. Her music is full of intense emotion, complimented by exceptional song-writing skills and an immense musical talent.

With many highlights already glimmering under her belt (she was the Irish Eurovision entry in 2015), this debut EP is the launch of what will be a very lustrous musical career. Molly Sterling’s EP Chrysalis is available to buy on iTunes.

Find Molly Sterling on Facebook and Twitter.

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