Author – Rachel Masterson. Originally posted on Electric Picnic live blog Reposted with permission. Photo credit Leanne Sullivan

What better way to get those bodies moving than by gracing the Main Stage with The 1975.

The atmosphere is absolutely electric as festival revellers kick-start a memorable first night of everyone’s favourite festival. The exuberance is evident, emanating from a crowd who are clearly ready to make this the best Picnic yet, with The 1975 providing the soundtrack to the opening evening.

The stage came to life in an explosion of colour as the band burst forth, bringing with it a siege of screaming fans sprinting towards them. From sultry sounds to big stadium anthems, they don’t disappoint as the foursome embrace the energy and in return emit an hour of invigorating music. Their music offers fun pop-rock appealing to every age.

Some sit, some stand, some dance like it’s their last night on earth while others soak it all in with a simple head bob. The beaming faces give enough away; this night will not be forgotten easily. It’s an energetic infusion of electro, pop and rock as the band play tirelessly to the adoring crowd.  They have a younger fan base, but the older crowd also take notice and join in with the antics.

An impressive smoke and light display enhance the performance, with some moving moments offering rest from the frenzy. It’s those quieter moments that allow you to really appreciate the talent of this band. The lead singer of The 1975 takes full command. Occasionally Matt Healy pauses to address the audience and is not afraid to poke fun at those at the front. The band as a whole holds a brilliant stage presence in a tight, perfectly polished performance.

People continue to flock towards them to be one with the hundreds of others singing along. Launching into their famous ‘Chocolate’ followed by ‘The Sound’, the whole place erupts as everyone is now on their feet. As the lead singer encourages everyone to jump, things go completely berserk bringing a close to a rocking show.

Whatever your thoughts on The 1975, their live shows are proof that they’re a very exciting band with a long career ahead of them.

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